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© 1999-2025, René G.A. Ros
Last modified: 7/6/2024 (dmy)

Colophon - Thanks to...

During the building of this web-site I received help and support from many different people and organisations. Firstly, thanks to my family for their support and for listening to so many details about The Defence Line. Many others also helped and I want to thank them for it. See the Dutch version for the full list of names of people and organisations.

Many thanks go to Siobhan Hearne (Ireland) for reviewing and correcting most of the English texts.

This website is provided by private experts and is not a government site.
All rights reserved, including use by commercial parties only with prior permission.
Defence Line of Amsterdam. A city wall of water.
UNESCO Werelderfgoed sinds 1996
'Introduction to the Defence Line of Amsterdam' is a interactive ebook about the Defence Line of Amsterdam.
'Introduction to the Defence Line of Amsterdam' is a interactive ebook about the Defence Line of Amsterdam.